“ Africa today is no longer that of the 1945s, nor that of the 1960s… Africa expects more equality, respect, equity and justice in its relations and partnerships with the rest of the world, a world with the super powers, whatever they may be. », declared Professor Robert DUSSEY, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and External Affairs, in his speech delivered at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly.
Making Echoes of this historic call for African renaissance, and on Togo’s proposal, African States have agreed to hold, on May 3, 2023 in Lomé known as, the ” Capital of peace, dialogue, mediation and tolerance”. », the first conference of the African Political Alliance (APA).
The APA aims to be a platform for consultation, political dialogue and joint action for African member states based on the historical ties of brotherhood and solidarity between the peoples of Africa, as well as on the principles of sovereign equality of States, independence, interdependence and unity of action.
1-Objectives of the conference
The first ministerial conference of the African Political Alliance will provide an opportunity for participating African countries to discuss current issues and challenges which Africa is facing both internally and externally in a world in full mutation and geopolitical reshaping but also geostrategic where Africa intends to assert itself as a pole of power and a major player in international relations.
To this end, participants will, among other things, have to:
- Discuss the continent’s current political and diplomatic challenges on the international scene
- examine the prospects and outlines of a sovereign and uninhibited affirmation of Africa’s positions on the major contemporary issues of international relations;
- examine the current issues and challenges of African Renaissance and Pan-Africanism, bearing in mind the noble ideals that guided the fathers of African independence and the founding fathers of the African Union;
- lay the foundations for political dialogue on issues of collective security, the fight against violent extremism, terrorism and political instability;
- examine the vision, objectives, main lines of cooperation and contours of the African Political Alliance.
2- Expected results
At the end of the conference, the expected results are the following:
- States agree on their views on Africa’s current political and diplomatic challenges on the international scene;
- the prospects and contours of a sovereign and uninhibited affirmation of Africa’s positions on the major contemporary issues of international relations are examined and clearly apprehended;
- the current issues and challenges of African renaissance are better understood and States reaffirm their commitment to the ideal of Pan-Africanism;
- the foundations of a political dialogue on issues of collective security, the fight against violent extremism, terrorism and political instability have been established;
- he vision, objectives, main lines of cooperation and contours of the African Political Alliance are better understood.
3- Participation
The meeting is expected to be attended by foreign ministers from countries covering the five regions of Africa.
4- Location, date and time of the conference
The conference will take place at the International Conference Center of Lomé at the Hotel 2 Février.